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Athena Goff

I am the reading intervention teacher for grades 3 - 5.  My position is called WINN SIPPS.  WINN stands for “What I Need Now,” meaning students work at a place in their literacy scope and sequence that is just right for them.  I utilize the well researched program called SIPPS (Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words).  Like the name suggests, students get strategic direct instruction in phonological awareness, phonics and high frequency words.  

Students who qualify, receive a small group reading lesson 4 - 5 days per week in pull out setting. Typically students leave their regular English class during small group time and do not miss any core instruction.  Students can qualify for SIPPS reading intervention through multiple measures including their FAST tests as well as the one-on-one placement test given to all students who score high risk on the FAST test.

I am new to Jie Ming and already love it here!  I have been teaching for twenty-six years.  My passion is teaching reading. I live in Apple Valley with my husband and middle school daughter.  We also have two older sons in college.  I enjoy our family time together, especially playing cards and family hikes.

Practice is an important part of becoming a good reader.  You can make a big difference in your child’s reading success by encouraging reading at home for 20 to 30 minutes every day