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Qin, Qiong



Lesson 1 

 reading textbook

Quizlet: Lesson 1: 我上学了-1

            Lesson 1: 我上学了-2

Lesson 2

reading textbook

Quiziet: Lesson 2: 我家有九个人-1 (谁?who?)

            Lesson 2: 我家有九个人-2 (谁?who?)            

Lesson 3

Reading textbook

Quizlet: Lesson 3: 今天是我的生日-1 (时间?when?)

            Lesson 3: 今天是我的生日-2 (时间?when?)

Lesson 4

Reading textbook

Quizlet: Lesson 4: 我喜欢打篮球-1 (做什么?what?)

            Lesson 4: 我喜欢打篮球-2 (做什么?what?)

Lesson 5

Reading textbook

Quizlet: Lesson 5: 现在几点-1 (时间?when?)

            Lesson 5: 现在几点-2 (时间?when?)

Lesson 6

Reading textbook

Quizlet: Lesson 6: 我感冒了-1 (怎么了?How?)

            Lesson 6: 我感冒了-2 (怎么了?How?)

Lesson 7

Reading textbook

Quizlet:  lesson 7: 这是我的学校 (地方? where?)

Lesson 8

Reading Textbook

Quizlet: Lesson 8: 今天有体育课吗?

Lesson 9

Reading textbook

Quizlet: Lesson 9: 我的东西不见了-1

            Lesson 9: 我的东西不见了-2

Lesson 10

Quizlet: Lesson 10: 课室里有什么?

Lesson 11

Quizlet: Lesson 11: 我的同学

Lesson 12

Quizlet: 第十二课:我爱干净-vocabulary

Lesson 12: 我爱干净-important sentences

Lesson 13

Quizlet: Lesson 13: 你看见我的袜子了吗?

Lesson 14

Quizlet: Lesson 14: 家里这么干净啊!

Lesson 15

Quizlet: Lesson 15:你想吃什么

Lesson 16

Quizlet: lesson16: 我最喜欢吃西瓜

Lesson 18

Quizlet: Lesson 18: 到动物园去 

Lesson 19

Quizlet: Lesson19: 我家附近有公园




Qiong Qin 秦老师

你好! 欢迎!

Hello! Welcome! Ni hao! Huan ying! (That’s how to say hello and welcome in Mandarin!)

Welcome to Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion first grade! My name is Qiong Qin, and I am going to be your child’s first grade teacher this year! I am so excited that your child is going to be in my class!!

Let me first start by sharing some information about myself professionally and personally. I grew up in China. I was an experienced accounting professional in China for 6 years. I received my Master of Accountancy from The Carlson School of Management of The University of Minnesota in 2008. Why did I become a teacher? Because I fell in love with our students while I walked into the classroom as a volunteer, and I could never walk away from them, so I stayed until today. Time is passing so quickly that I got my Master of Art in Teaching in 2017 and I have been teaching first grade for 12 years already. I cannot say enough how much I love teaching first graders. My passion and love are all in my students❤️

First grade is an exciting time as children embark upon new adventures in the world of learning. I am looking forward to a very exciting and productive year working with your child. I will strive each day to make learning a fun and enriching process for your child. However, I need your help in making this year as successful as it can be! I believe that you and I are a team working together to help your child develop emotionally and academically. You are the most important people and teachers in your child’s life. I know if we work together and communicate, your child will have a very successful year! I am eager to hear your questions, comments, concerns, and celebrations.

My email address is qiong.qin@spps.org


Qiong Qin

First Grade Teacher

Jie Ming Mandarin Immersion Academy

St. Paul Public school